Designed smart bands directly using Sports Monster logos and straight patterns. This design is well suited

to the cultural space of Sports Monster, not other spaces and is a design that can represent Sports Monster

in an iconic way.

As an outdoor activity in an indoor space called sports monster, it aims for a dynamic but sustainable design.

In addition to simply using a monster band, people must be able to symbolize that I am in the culture of sports


The design uses the Sports Monster logo directly and is iconically expressed, and it can protect durability

and display with all rubber.

We optimized the size of the smartest band by using the smallest size of the battery.

It is designed to easily carge and manage a large number of monster bands according to the Sports Monster

system. One cradle can charge five bands. When applying the rack in the right image, 15 cradles can be placed

on one floor and 75 bands can be operated.

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